
Live below the line

I've talked about this many times before, on tumblr especially during the actual Live Below the Line Week in May & I got great response from many of you who had joined in via me ! which was truly one of the absolutely dopest things I've ever experienced "online", haha. But for those who missed it, I though I'd Let my lady Gillian show you through it. & If you didn't do it then, do it now ! It's never too late. I've had an amazing couple of weeks, months ! of Holidays, parties, and restuarant visits, and as lovely as it has truly has been, It feels amazing to be home again & I'm starting by Living Below the Line again, I didn't get to do it properly the last time beacuse travels and shit that got in the way. I truly recommend you to do the same ! Visit Livebelowtheline.com for more info & how to Donate ! x