
and i got everything i wished for

i had the most perfect 18th birthday. We stayed up the night before and as the clock passed twelve people started singing to me and danced on the bridge while i was out in the ocean on my favourite place in the world, a surfboard. with a sky full of stars above us. Nothing could of been more perfect. when we woke up the next morning i recived cake and presents in form of money, beautiful things as feathers, barries and cigarrs. the only thing wrong, was the wind. it was practiclly storm and we had no chance to get the boat out. But Elias completely came to our rescue, he might not of been able to take us out on the ocean, but he took us on the road, haha. We drove rode for miles in his amazing hippie/surfbus, turned the music up high, drank beers, laughed madly and got the exact right amount of alchol in our systems, played with greta and took the fary over to the nearest shore-town. Where we ate great food, before we headed down to the beach, when we arrived we found the intire shore filled with surfers, the atmosphere was incredible and the wind was absolutely perfect for kite-surfing. After the beach Elias drove us further, and we stopped at a local bar where we had shots, drank ciders & Tequila. Got royaly dazed and did nothing but laughed and felt saticfied the intire night. Never been so grateful, and so inspired at the same time. Now i have my "official" birthday party in a week, with family, and friends and a hell of a lot to do until then so now i'll rest for a few days, salute solitude, and buy myself a new board and all the shit i've wanted with the money i recived for my birthday, and save the rest of the money, beaucuse We are buying ourslefs our own surfbus, we are now old enogh to to that, old enough to do all i've ever wanted ! x