
Encounter with the wolf

nce again this place blows my mind away. the birthday boy decided that we should end the night by going down to the sea, while on our way down one of us suddenly stopped and told us to look ! we looked over and there was a creature that was moving in a way that i've never seen before, as agile as a kanagruoo but much faster and with a far too big body. as it approached we soon realized it wasn't a kangaroo, but what we had before us was a grown wolf. and just as it was infront of us it jumped over the fench that was separating it from us and left us there in complete silence, just amazed by the beauty. as it passed us up in the woods, we carried on to our final destination where the first thing we were greated by was a lovely beaver that swam around for us in the clear water for hours while the sun set before us.

I will remain in the wild. - why