our lionhearts
Bon Iver - Towers
" For the love, Iʼd fallen on
in the swampy August dawn
what a mischief you would bring young darling!
when the onus is not all your own
when you’re up for it before you’ve grown "
" For the love, Iʼd fallen on
in the swampy August dawn
what a mischief you would bring young darling!
when the onus is not all your own
when you’re up for it before you’ve grown "
Lovers! How are you?! It's been a couple of damn hectic weeks lately! haha. Although it's been absolutely lush. And soon it's christmas! And alot of things happening around the world makes you question all kinds. It's easy to get lost in these times, at least I know it is for me! But now it's time to stop and slow down for a great couple of days, have the greatest time with my family and my favourite people and, which is going to be so needed and damn right wonderful! But now, if I don't get the time to write to you again before then I want to take some time to just wish all of you the best Christmas possible Tigers! Promise to take care of yourselfs! Value the time we have together. & Don't for a second think that I stop reading your mails etc. It just takes a while to get back. But hopefully you know by now that I always do! And I'm always, always here for you! Never doubt that! Talk to you soon Tigers! All my best! Yours, truly. x
Life is amazing at the moment, damn right amazing, haha. And I'm just trying to take time to take it all in, and be in it! Not just get lost in the movement of it all! 'Cause alot of things are happening. I'm moving to my own place, in the place where I want to live right now, and I work with the most amazing creative things with the most amazing people! And most of all am I okay with being as busy as I am right now! Beyond okay with it even. And the holidays are coming up soon and then I'll have some time of, which is going to be so rad too! haha, overall, Life's pretty damn sweet! And I wish all the best upon you too Tigers! And hopefully we'll talk again soon! All my best! Yours, always. x
Tigers! WZRD & the national are blasting out through the speakers, the rain is pouring outside. Infront of me I have a cup of the best espresso in the world and a book by Joan Didion. While two of my favourite dudes Hannes and Andy are thaving deep conversations about life, contra absolute nonsense! Haha, life's lush! I have alot of shit to share with you guys! Haha, but for now, a hello is better than nothing right ?I'm very much alive Haha, and hoping life is kind on you too my little internet peeps! Talk to you soon! x
Keith no other Malloy
Question : Where are you living now, and what are your future travel plans?
Keith : I live in Ventura, California right now. & As far as travel, I'm listening to Ron Kauk's mantra: " Best not to have any plans, bro."
Sunset kush
I've been away for a few weeks now and It has been just as mind blowingly lovely as it possibly can be ! But it also feels unbelievably great to be where I'm at right now. Anthony and the Johnsons are streaming out from the speakers while I'm reading one of my all time favourites ; Konrad Lorenz. If not "the" man, than at least one of, haha. My skin is still wet from a bath under the stars. The bed smells of Newly washed sheets, & My hands of handwritten letters. I promise to tell you more about our latest voyage & all the rest ! But right now I'm absolutely exhausted.. I have an early morning tomorrow & then we leave this place Friday, But hopefully I'll talk to you again before then ! x
Maybe you were the ocean
Ben Howard - Black Flies ( Nixon Remix )
Crushingly beautiful remix of one of Bens finest songs.
Grammis !
Haven't had the time to tell you guys yet ! My Boy Jason, Aka Timbuktu AND no other than my rather lovely cousin are both nominated in the Hiphop / Soul category for a Swedish Grammy, Grammis ! I'm obviously rooting for one more than the other, haha. But I'm honestly happy either way, proud & just stoked on them being in the same nomination. Make sure to tune in on 12.02.2012 ! x
# 1 - wearing the “Save the Drama for OSAMA” custom Simpsons bootleg shirt, made by Espo.
# 2 - photo above his head is the framed one of a five year old boy with black eye holding a cat, by Dave Schubert.
# 3 - a heavy zip of some good California weed.
It's a sensation
Sticky Fingers - Happy Endings.
Acoustic Dubstep, Ultimate & this at it's absolute finest.
Acoustic Dubstep, Ultimate & this at it's absolute finest.
" Here's another brother shaking with the psychedelics,
It's a sensation, a blind creation, moving through my days "
Live below the line
I've talked about this many times before, on tumblr especially during the actual Live Below the Line Week in May & I got great response from many of you who had joined in via me ! which was truly one of the absolutely dopest things I've ever experienced "online", haha. But for those who missed it, I though I'd Let my lady Gillian show you through it. & If you didn't do it then, do it now ! It's never too late. I've had an amazing couple of weeks, months ! of Holidays, parties, and restuarant visits, and as lovely as it has truly has been, It feels amazing to be home again & I'm starting by Living Below the Line again, I didn't get to do it properly the last time beacuse travels and shit that got in the way. I truly recommend you to do the same ! Visit Livebelowtheline.com for more info & how to Donate ! x
New Year
Just got home from a night walk at the pier, still smiling from Christmas & New Years, haha. Christmas was perfectly blessed with our amazing family, amazing food and lovely gifts. And New Year's Eve was Asbolutely Magical. We got Royally Wasted on Tequila and bottles of the most Amazing Champange while laughing sensless down in the Harbor & watching The Fireworks sparkle and make reflections in the ocean. Everyone felt and looked as stunning as the Night with seductive Eyes, dressed in black. I wore long dark transparent, high heels & subtle sparkling diamonds, but me being me of course still spent some parts of the night barefoot haha. Just absolutely high on the Night, with nothing but love around and in me. & I feel absolutely blessed when i think about the year that has passed. Alot of you guys have asked me to do a "Resume" of 2011. & I could never go throguh the entire years in a post or two, it would take days, weeks. I'm not one who make promises I intend to break like most people do this time of year, haha but I can give you one promise and that is that i will get better at answering & posting. Starting Tomorrow! because tonight I'm not going to to anything other than listen to the fire, watch movies, spend time with my favourites & Sleep ! Talk to you tomorrow Tigers. All my Best ! yours, always x
This is what it is to be
Horse Feathers - This is What.
" Even on the wrong days, you know I could dream
to lay, next to that body I've yet.. yet to make "
Let it snow
the sound of soft laughter, dogs sleeping & wood burning in the fireplace while beautiful tunes of one of my favourite albums of all time - House with no Home fills the cabin, life sincerely just couldn't be better. Tomorrow we'll have to go up bright and early and get in the car ! but I'll try my absolute best to update at least once more before Christmas, promise. Hope life is kind on you tigers & talk to you soon again ! All my best, yours always. x
Where your fingers
Bombay Bicycle Club - The Ginatess
" Where's your finger's, where's your fingers
" Where's your finger's, where's your fingers
He can taste it, He can taste it, he can taste it
Come and get it, come and get it, now "
Just travelling the world
Wiz Khalifa - The thrill
haha Ze wizard reminds me of a young Cudders in this, love it.
With us
I can be proud that I'm his girl 'cause I know that I'm good
all by myself. See, I don't need his love I just really want him.
all by myself. See, I don't need his love I just really want him.
& he can feel good that he's my guy'cause I don't wanna own
or control him, I just want our souls to be aligned
or control him, I just want our souls to be aligned
I'm the one he loves & trusts, I don't get jealous
It's all about affection, Not possession with us. & I do
exactly what I want when I'm with him, & when I'm not.
So, If you love someone, Let them be free.
I know I don't want no one suffocating me.
If you love some one you should feel good
to let them breathe.
So, If you love someone, Let them be free.
I know I don't want no one suffocating me.
If you love some one you should feel good
to let them breathe.
I will become what i deserve
Ben Howard - The Fear, in Cornwall.
The Fear - Music Video from Astray Films on Vimeo.
Matt Corby - Brother.
Sleep now, under my skin.
Somebody call out to your brother
He's calling out your name.
Sleep now, under my skin.
Somebody call out to your brother
He's calling out your name.
Lost for words
No words or photos will ever be enough to explain the atmosphere that we were apart of that night. Hundreds of sweaty bodies moving together, applauding, smiling, shouting, crying & moving our lips at the same time. knowing that we, were at the exact right place at the exact right time, and that we wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the entire world. Ben fucking Howard, Kägelbanan Stockholm 25/11/11. One of the greatest gigs & nights of my entire life. I'm so proud of you ! x
Omega dubstep
CocoRosie - werewolf, Omega Dubstep Remix.
May you have an awesome weekend tigers, knock em dead & I'll talk to you sunday ! x
Phoenix - Rome
the day this song does no longer make me want to wander around the same streets in Rome as
my father did my age, where he lived, had amazing adventures & met amazing people will be a day
when I have taken a turn for the worse, haha. so may it never happen & may I get there very soon.
when I have taken a turn for the worse, haha. so may it never happen & may I get there very soon.
Laurent Brancowitz
Laurent is the name of a greater genius born in 1973 who plays his fender bullet in a band you should of heard of ; Phoenix. I love both the man & as most anyone who knows me knows do I Beyond love the band. always done, & still remeber the chills I got the first time i heard, run run run on my brothers Ipod. their music has truly meant alot to me & never failed to leave me inspired. through and through are they one of the bands closest to my heart, all categoriez. always will be. x
Burning man
there are things one ougth do before dying, & belive you me, burning man is one of those.
Greatful Dead
Greatful Dead - Touch of Grey.
Always a given place on any of our playlists, haha right lads !
Winter Winds
Mumford & Sons - Winter Winds.
" In the pub, after 6 or 7 beers, singing this song with your mates.
that feeling gives this song to me, complete friendship! "
This time of year
Okey, haha now I won't leave the computer before doing a post to you guys ! 'cause you are just the best & I so dearly want to start writing here again, but when autumn/winter comes upon us I usually have the time to "blog". but this has been one heck of a busy autumn so far ! haha, busy, in the dearest of ways. busy with love, laughter & rest. ah, such a beautiful time. I've been without coumputer & when time has been given I was wihtout insperation to write here. But I will now, or in a few days, maybe even tomorrow. I'm exhuasted after a couple of days of constant laughing, having the best time & smoking my lungs, so now i have a lot of lovely people to skype with, one brother to celebrate who's currently in the states & then i have two dogs to cuddle, a fireplace to cozy up by, a family to eat with & a warm bed with fresh crisp sheets to later crawl into, hopefully with a husky voice in my ear. wishing you a lovely night, tigers ! yours truly, x
From pure desire
With a perfectly smooth yet husky voice would it be pretty hard for this lovely, lovely gent
to be called anything but brilliant. My ladies & gents ; James Vincet McMorrow.
to be called anything but brilliant. My ladies & gents ; James Vincet McMorrow.
Life is busy at the moment, but in the best of ways. We have taken on two dogs, and haha they are just the best little dudes ever ! absolutely love them to bits. & time not spent with them is spent with the best people possible, trying to do our best to soak up every ounce of this beautiful autumn. But I'll tell you more about it all later, have to run. talk to you soon tigers, all my best ! x
all from three weeks back til now, has been about family. Not only about the closest family, but family further away and relatives from both sides, as i have had birthday parties in my honor, birthdays parties for family members, family dinners, get togethers, moving in parties and mainly pure quality family time. And so, yesterday it was time for my beloved fathers birthday, and it was one of the most magical nights in my life. The entire day it was toasting in champange, suprises, speaches, dancing out on deck while the sun shone, amazing food and laughed madly, as anyone, ever does around my father, haha. And then the night came and my youngest borther, sang & played guitar like he does most of these nights by the bonfire, but this night he moved my father to bits. and my father has been an musicans my intire life, and spent his around some of the greatist aritst in the world and he was yet so amazed and we all were so impressed not only by my brother but with how long Matthew kept quite, haha. My father isn't the one to be quite. But he was and he cried so much, that we all started tearing up so i ran up to him, and we all gathered in one big hug and then we all applaud & laughed, played more tunes, sang and cotinued on like that til early morning, & i appriciated every second of the night, & every ounce of my amazing family and everyone there. I love you all so much it hurts & dad, you already got enough of this praising yesterday, but i'll tell it again, and again for the rest of my life. beacuse you're The greatest father i could ever have & i'm more proud than you'll ever know for being able to call myself your daughter. i love you, with all my heart. x
Skater boys
in this very skate-park have i spent many hours, skating & hanging with friends, even spent first hours of one of my birthdays in a miniature train, but majority of our time here was watching older guys, who everyone knew their names. they were just the coolest guys around this place, and one day when i arrived to the park came one of the cool guys walking over to us. he said his friend wanted my number and we were all so stoked, haha. When later one, the coolest but mainly the far best skater later called me, i answered and he said he had seen me around, and then he asked me if i wanted to hang out. and so two days later we did. He and three of his mates and me and mine. when the guys asked us what we wanted to do i said we should go skate! haha wich made the guys thrilled, my friends not so much. But we headed to the park and i didn't have my board so one of the guys leant me his board. A board i wasn't familiar with. and that was also the only board, on about six people, haha. Something i hadn't really considered, but of i went with eveyrone watching me and i wanted to impress them so badly, and it started of really good ! i heard them being impressed, so i relaxed & looked up at them and i fell, head down. Haha i've fallen alot of times in my life, scares and bruised knees to prove it but this was one of the worst i've ever had. I hit my head, and completley blacked out, when i woke up, i had been lifted up out of the pool, and everything was so blurry. i heard my friends cry hysterically, and i heard the guys trying to get them to calm down, haha. one of the guys who held me managed said something that made me laugh & they still tell me how glad they were to hear that first laugh, haha. then they took me to a near by cafe where ones older brothers worked, he fixed ice that they held to my head. And after a while i was up standing. but my friends were still in chock, and my phone was ringing like crazy since my friends had freaked everyone out, but calmed them down said i was fine and that someone just could give me a ride home. told my friends to take the subway home alone. After they had left the guys and I stayed and they insisted we should eat something, so we did, my ice was starting to melt, so they got me new ice. haha they got me surely a houndred thousand ice-cubes, along with food for an army, and glass after glass filled with ice wich we ended up having contest with & making mess out of and from ice we came on to talking about water in general, and on to surfing and from their it was, haha. the guy's name is Andreas, and one of the other's is named Hubbe. & now five years later are they two of my Best friends. x
Good old johnny boy
John Martyn - Solid air.
I can't even describe my love for this man & for this tune it's just far beyond sexy.
oh i love this time of year ! so many people are getting depressed beacuse of the loss of sunshine, and that is understandable but so many people are just set on the fact, that rain & autumn is a dark and awful thing. Nothing makes me feel so at peace as being with people i love while the rain falls outside, or as to run in the streets with water flying around you, not to speak about jumping in the ocean while it rains, it's magical. ruteturn back to the best cabin in the world, where i've been spending my days lately sit by the fireplace, dressed in flannel shirts, bare legs and ragsocks, cuddle up with lovers, friends & family. go for swims in the colder sea, make music, eat amazing dinners, drinking ourselves warm on whiskey & hot cocoa, playing videogames, have long talks and appreciate every piece of eachother, hope you do too tigers ! all my best, yours sincerly. x
What's the time, mr wolf ?
Soutside of bombay - What's the time, Mr wolf ?
One of the greatest tunes ever written, and forver a reminder of my 18th birthday, the intire trip,
& everyone on it. The first song i ever heard as an adult, haha. and no other could of been better.
& everyone on it. The first song i ever heard as an adult, haha. and no other could of been better.
and i got everything i wished for
i had the most perfect 18th birthday. We stayed up the night before and as the clock passed twelve people started singing to me and danced on the bridge while i was out in the ocean on my favourite place in the world, a surfboard. with a sky full of stars above us. Nothing could of been more perfect. when we woke up the next morning i recived cake and presents in form of money, beautiful things as feathers, barries and cigarrs. the only thing wrong, was the wind. it was practiclly storm and we had no chance to get the boat out. But Elias completely came to our rescue, he might not of been able to take us out on the ocean, but he took us on the road, haha. We drove rode for miles in his amazing hippie/surfbus, turned the music up high, drank beers, laughed madly and got the exact right amount of alchol in our systems, played with greta and took the fary over to the nearest shore-town. Where we ate great food, before we headed down to the beach, when we arrived we found the intire shore filled with surfers, the atmosphere was incredible and the wind was absolutely perfect for kite-surfing. After the beach Elias drove us further, and we stopped at a local bar where we had shots, drank ciders & Tequila. Got royaly dazed and did nothing but laughed and felt saticfied the intire night. Never been so grateful, and so inspired at the same time. Now i have my "official" birthday party in a week, with family, and friends and a hell of a lot to do until then so now i'll rest for a few days, salute solitude, and buy myself a new board and all the shit i've wanted with the money i recived for my birthday, and save the rest of the money, beaucuse We are buying ourslefs our own surfbus, we are now old enogh to to that, old enough to do all i've ever wanted ! x
July, indescribable.
In most of my doings, i often think of a way to write about it, later on. a very common behavior amongst us humans, even if we write it in form of memoirs, in diarys or blogs. but truth is that it is at the occasions when the camera doesn't come up for days, where things are to beautiful to put words to and not one single thought goes out to the future 'cause nothing, nothing could honestly be better than this, that is where we find real happiness and true satisfaction. and in that beautiful state am i currently finding myself. and in just days i am officially going to be a grownup for the very first time in this life. i have lived through so much, and for so long it's about time, haha. Getting to celebrate it in the most perfect way, as close to the ocean as possible, with all the people i love the most. hope life is kind on you tigers, and may you always know that you can write to me, for better and for worse. yours truly, x
Further away
" And nobody gives a fuck about you,
Tell you it's a damn shame
The prettiest eyes in the whole world
the same fools and the same game "
" You've been growing up, growing on,
further away from us now"
National Geographic
People do beautiful things in the water. They become braver and calmer, more fluid and playful. The freedom of buoyancy allows us to act the way we truly are.
— National Geographic
Everything about this video, and Everything about the jackass gang.
How could one not after growing up with brothers and pretty much every male friend i've ever had has been completly obsessed with these dudes, the free vibe of the intire crew and the jackass spirit is something i'll always keep with me, even when older and somewhat smarter. so many memories filled with good times, running around as kids getting in trouble for wrecking things, pissing of the teachers and battering a knee or two, haha. through and through, say what you want about them but for me they will always be sensless laughing through the years. Rest in peace Ryan. We'll miss you.
Its almost july
days of perfect tunes, heat & waves, effortless beauty, tanned skin, smiling faces, surfer state of mind, nights of bonfires, drinks, night skies, tired eyes, loud laughter, new destinastions, eyes meeting, hands greeting, long talks, skinny dipping, sweaty bodies moving togethter with the music, the past few weeks has been fulfilling the ultimate expectation of summer break. although the last days has been pretty grey, and the rain has been poruing. But with great friendship, bad movies, videogames, good series, junkfood, roadtrips while listening to the pineapple express soundtrack it's pretty hard to let the wheather ruin your mood, haha. Right now i am catching up my my homies abroad, going through my mail and trying to stay awake, leaving in a few hours. But i'll be back, and i promise to say goodbye before signing out from the intergalactic sphere of the internet completely, haha. talk to you soon tigers, and glad midsommar all swedes ! x
Släpp taget
" Ursäkta mig, förlåt
men du håller i för hårt,förstå "Third and last video from Alexis Weak album "till minne av"
can't tell enough how proud i am of you cousin, everyone is.
and mad props to everyone behind the video, stunner.
While im away
Take care. stay true, be reckless, be kind, be young or old, be bold or calm. fuck, smoke, drink, sleep, dance, sing, mess around, scream, watch the stars, do nothing, fuck up. promise to do whatever you feel like. just still be alive when i get back. see you soon tigers x
I found a friend in your demon
" you sneak under my skin like the first time we touched
you're not out of luck , you just think too much "
you're not out of luck , you just think too much "
Old friend
" You saw the good in the worst of the crooks,
and your story begins, and your story begins.
The sun it burns so I jump right in,
I felt the cold sea kiss my skin "
Midnight conversations
Sitting on my windowsill in nothing but my older brothers worn out flannel, smoking between my writing. guitarplaying is playing in the background while i reach out my legs to feel the cold raindrops touching my bare skin. before i get back to mine i just wanted to wish you a goodnight, hope everything is well with you all ! talk to you soon tigers x
Perfecly at peace
" those happy thoughts in my head. happy to see how far I've come to the same place
it began, my dreams and imagination perfectly at peace so I move along a bit higher "
Encounter with the wolf
once again this place blows my mind away. the birthday boy decided that we should end the night by going down to the sea, while on our way down one of us suddenly stopped and told us to look ! we looked over and there was a creature that was moving in a way that i've never seen before, as agile as a kanagruoo but much faster and with a far too big body. as it approached we soon realized it wasn't a kangaroo, but what we had before us was a grown wolf. and just as it was infront of us it jumped over the fench that was separating it from us and left us there in complete silence, just amazed by the beauty. as it passed us up in the woods, we carried on to our final destination where the first thing we were greated by was a lovely beaver that swam around for us in the clear water for hours while the sun set before us.
I will remain in the wild. - why
Spring break
Baring our bodies to the sea, full house everyday, golden tan and bleached locks, new encounters, celebrating easter and birthdays. spending nights out by the fire, listening to guitarplaying, recklessly blowing cigarettes, getting drunk like teenagers on summerciders and a little too strong tropical drinks, playing videogames for countless hours, forgetting time and place, eating everything from fine dinners to greasy pizzas, loving, philosophizing, laughing ridiculously much and sleeping even more, summery of some of the highlights from springbreak, i think it calls for unecessary to say how lush it's been.
Brother and sister

The lovely gent in the picture above, often says that the music is what really brought them together, him and his sister. Wich is the same for me and my youngest brother, with our love for creating music, well those who know my brother already knows what a talanted musican he is and theese two aswell. Going to be so lovely going with him to see them when they'll be performing at nalen in stockholm 18th of may.
With a weightless soul
This is a video to accompany ben howards EP old pine, but foremost is it shot by the Legendary
waterman Mickey Smith. And if you aren't familiar with any of mickey's other work, you really
should watch this absolute masterpiece that i've posted before, you'll find it, here.
waterman Mickey Smith. And if you aren't familiar with any of mickey's other work, you really
should watch this absolute masterpiece that i've posted before, you'll find it, here.
Still to this day one of the best documentaries i've ever seen, and since the first time i saw it
i've been trying to spread to word and done my part. go on sharkwater.com and read more.
We'll show this fire how to brun
Come, show what it is to be warm:
Be my shelter and i'll be your storm.
Come, lie down till the four winds cease to blow
Lie here full of rivers that you know.
And i'll make your bones shake, the sweat we take
of hearts still battered and worn.
Be my shelter and i'll be your storm.
And we'll show the fire,
We'll show the fire how to burn.
Yeah, we'll show the fire,
Be my shelter and i'll be your storm.
Come, lie down till the four winds cease to blow
Lie here full of rivers that you know.
And i'll make your bones shake, the sweat we take
of hearts still battered and worn.
Be my shelter and i'll be your storm.
And we'll show the fire,
We'll show the fire how to burn.
Yeah, we'll show the fire,
Games in the night
" We play games in the dark,
and i would say this, i'll stay in the dark.
and you said oh i can feel you heartbeat.
and i told you sometimes when i stay the night i find it hard to sleep.
and we play, yeah like lovers in the moonlight "
Keep you head up
" Keep your head up, keep your heart strong.
Keep your mind set, keep your hair long.
Oh my darlin' keep your head up, keep your heart strong.
Oh no no, keep your mind set in your ways,
'Cause I'll always remeber you the same
oh eyes like wild flowers, with your demons of change "
Oh my darlin' keep your head up, keep your heart strong.
Oh no no, keep your mind set in your ways,
keep your hair , Keep your hair long.
'Cause I'll always remeber you the same
oh eyes like wild flowers, with your demons of change "
Ben Howard
I first found this lovely gent via one of my favourite musicans and human beings all time, Mr Xavier Rudd. Howard is a great surfer, environmentalist and knows the right ways to touch a guitar he also holds an absolute breathtaking voice but is foremost one of the most amazing younger songwriters i have come across in a really long time. most of his lyrics are hard to find in lettering, so listened intently. x
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